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Published: 23 Nov 2021

Matrimony in India usually entails significant financial and logistical choices, such as where the new couple will reside and extend their lineage. Every couple wants to make sure that their decision to buy and own a new house doesn’t affect their long-term financial plans as newlyweds. In other words, looking for a dream home involves several concerns and expectations, all of which impact the final buy.
Most importantly, determining the financial impact before investing the money in a new house is critical for the family’s long-term financial security. A discussion by Forbes Real Estate Council revealed that there are numerous concerns and expectations from newlyweds when they intend to buy their first home. such as:

1. Figuring out what is more viable at the moment as a newlywed 

As in whether to invest in a medium or high-priced residential building, as well as what will benefit them in the future. Honestly, a new house requires the same level of thought, consideration, and preparation as your wedding.

2. Will a huge mortgage hamper our travel plans or family planning decisions?

Make sure that your plans have enough flexibility. Moreover, consider any unforeseeable events that might derail the plans, such as children, in-laws, etc.

3. How much time do we spend at home considering our careers?

4. As an investment will the size and layout of the home function as a lifelong residence?

Now, if you only expect to stay in the house for a few years, then substantial upgrades may not be worth the money. As newlyweds, you should therefore decide about how long you plan to stay in the house.

5. Is there a possibility to rent the starter property?

It pays well to plan. There may come a time in the incubating period when you want or need to relocate while the mortgage on your existing house is still owed. You can utilize your first house as an income-producing investment in such a scenario, as it may influence the budget for the second home.

6. Is it possible to get a mortgage-friendly budget with offers for newlyweds?

Couples must be on the same page not just about the style of the property but also about the mortgage payment. Because determining a repayable mortgage involves collaboration between the two parties.

7. Will the home be big enough for planning a family?

It is all too tempting for newlyweds to idealize their first house purchase but it’s also crucial to pay special attention to its location, commute, long-term appropriateness (if you plan to have children), the expense and stress of projected improvements. While it may not be your permanent home, be sure it will meet your needs as you embark on your happily ever after.

It is always wiser to consult a branded real estate developer with a wide portfolio to find your dream home/ realty investment in desired locations, all at the most affordable rates!

